Guest Author

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How to make your office a magnet to attract employees

Return-to-office initiatives are in the news more and more lately, but is mandating employees to return the best approach? Cisco Systems Inc. Chief Executive Chuck Robbins is taking a different approach. Instead of a mandate, Cisco has reimagined its offices to make them a magnet for employees to return. I toured its offices at Penn1 ...

Platform engineering, API platforms and intelligent agents dominate innovation at KubeCon Paris

The sizzle at this past week’s KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe in Paris was all about Kubernetes-based infrastructure for generative artificial intelligence. The steak, in contrast, was all about platforms. I attend conferences such as KubeCon to uncover particularly innovative vendors who are pushing the boundaries of their respective technologies. Since is my seventh article for ...

Transforming supply chain resilience with generative AI and data

Generative artificial intelligence has struck like a bolt of lightning, rapidly moving from an industry buzzword to a robust business opportunity. A report by Gartner indicates that chief supply chain officers are investing in growth through new technology investments, with many anticipating allocating an average of 73% of their supply chain information technology budgets to areas ...

Harnessing data for retail excellence: Inside Walmart’s Element AI platform

Not many enterprises can tackle the complexity and expense of building a full-scale machine learning platform from the ground up, but not many are Walmart Inc. The retail giant intends to infuse artificial intelligence throughout its operations and wants the maximum flexibility to use whatever models, toolkits and cloud resources its developers prefer. The result ...

How executive leaders can manage the impacts of the US executive order on AI

The recent U.S. Executive Order on Safe, Secure and Trustworthy AI has major implications for U.S. and non-U.S. entities across the public, private, academic, nongovernmental organization, and consumer and citizen ecosystems. The EO also has an impact on U.S. federal agencies and those who work with them. It will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the ...

Seven FinOps trends that are reshaping cloud cost management

FinOps, meaning the practice of managing cloud costs, has been around for years. Yet it continues to evolve in response to emerging challenges in the realm of cloud spending. If you want to stay at the forefront of cloud cost management best practices, you need to embrace up-and-coming FinOps trends. Let’s take a look at those ...

Beyond the buzz: IoT and AI innovation at Mobile World Congress

Mobile World Congress in Barcelona is the largest telecommunications-focused conference in the world. More than 100,000 attendees descended on well over 1,000 exhibitors, teasing out all manner of innovative technologies and business strategies. Although every vendor at the conference struggled to put on its best face, there was nevertheless an undercurrent of desperation, as the much-hyped ...

How will generative AI pay off?

This is the second two parts. You can read part one here. Yesterday, we rained on the generative artificial intelligence parade. We stated that that today, gen AI is currently a cost sink, with the true promise not coming until at least 12 to 24 months off. Today it’s time to clear the clouds. We’ll ...

Is that giant sucking sound generative AI?

This is the first of two parts. Part two is here. It’s little mystery that generative artificial intelligence has dominated the spotlight in tech over the past year. A couple of KPMG surveys of top U.S. business executives conducted in March and June of last year document what has become conventional wisdom: Gen AI is being ...

Organizations need a business-driven AI strategy, not a CAIO

The widespread adoption of artificial intelligence and generative AI has many organizations wondering if a chief AI officer is needed. Gartner has found that each time there is a disruption, or new era of technology, another C-suite role is not necessarily warranted. This is the case with the role of the CAIO. Though it is ...